Create First Voice Memo

How to Create Your First Brain Dump with Our App

Creating a brain dump is a straightforward way to clear your mental clutter by externalizing your thoughts. Our app is designed to make this process easy, intuitive, and even more productive with AI assistance. Here's how you can get started and make the most of your brain dumping sessions.

Step 1: Download and Launch the App

First off, download our app from the App Store and open it. You’ll find a clean and user-friendly interface awaiting you, designed to make your experience seamless from the start.

Step 2: Create a Quick Note

To quickly capture a thought without pre-organization:

  • Find 'New Note': Look for the "New Note" button on the main screen and tap it. This allows you to instantly start capturing your thoughts.
  • Begin Recording: Hit the microphone icon to start recording. Speak your mind freely; the app will convert your voice to text in real time.

Step 3: Articulate Your Thought with AI

After capturing your initial thoughts, you can refine them using AI:

  • Choose Your Goal: Select what you're aiming for with this note—journaling, meeting notes, etc. This helps the AI understand the context of your thoughts.
  • Engage AI Assistance: Tap the "Refine with AI" button. Using AI models like Claude, GPT-4, or Mistral Large, the app will offer suggestions to articulate your thoughts more clearly based on the chosen goal. You can input a custom prompt to guide the AI in the direction you want.

Step 4: Optionally Organize with Folders

For those who prefer their thoughts organized:

Creating and Using a Folder

  • Navigate to Folders: Tap on "Folders" from the main screen.
  • Create a Folder: Use the "+" icon to add a new folder. Label it according to its purpose, like "Work" or "Personal Reflections."
  • Record in Folder: Open your new folder and use the recording feature to start a new note within this category.

Step 5: Use Speaking Prompts (Optional)

If you're unsure how to start or continue, our app provides speaking prompts. Tap "Speaking Hints" for ideas and questions that can help guide your brain dump, tailored to your specific goal.

Step 6: Review, Edit, and Save

  • Complete Recording: Press "Stop" when finished. The app will have transcribed your spoken words into text.
  • Edit for Clarity: You have the option to edit the transcription. The AI assistance can also help rewrite sections for different tones or clarity.

Step 7: Export Your Note

Once you’re satisfied with your note:

  • Choose Export Option: Find the export button in the app. You can choose to export your note as a text file, PDF, or even share it directly via email or into other apps.
  • Save or Share: Decide whether to save your note externally on your device or cloud storage, or share it with others. This step ensures your thoughts can be accessed where and when you need them or shared with relevant parties.

Step 8: Reflect and Make It a Habit

  • Take Time to Reflect: Go over what you've recorded and articulated. This can offer insights and clarity on your thoughts or tasks.
  • Regular Practice: Integrating brain dumps into your routine can enhance your mental clarity and organizational skills. Aim to make it a regular part of your day or week.

Tips for a Better Experience

  • Privacy: Rest assured, your notes are private and securely stored on your device.
  • Offline Functionality: The app works offline, so you can capture your thoughts anytime, anywhere, without needing an internet connection.

By following these steps, you can effectively use our app to capture, refine, and organize your thoughts with ease. The addition of AI-powered articulation brings a new level of clarity and purpose to your brain dumps, making them more useful for your personal or professional life.